开始时间2016/01/01 08:00:00
结束时间2038/01/18 08:00:00


When measuring the relevancy of the answer set, if the precision is low but the recall is high, it means that most of the relevant documents are missing, but most of the retrieved documents are relevant.



A perfectly balanced tree forms if keys 1 to 2k12^k -1 are inserted in order into an initally empty leftist heap.



In a red-black tree, the number of rotations in the DELETE operation is O(1).



For the recurrence equation T(N)=aT(N/b)+f(N)T(N)=aT(N/b)+f(N), if af(N/b)=f(N)af(N/b)=f(N), then T(N)=Θ(NlogbN)T(N)=\Theta (N log_b N).



Making NN insertions into an initally empty binomial queue takes O(N)O(N) time in the worst case.



In amortized analysis, a good potential function should always assume its maximum at the start of the sequence.



Finding the minimum key from a splay tree will result in a tree with its root having no left subtree.



In an AVL tree, it is possible to have this situation that the balance factors of a node and both of its children are all -1.



In backtracking, if different solution spaces have different sizes, start testing from the partial solution with the smallest space size would have a better chance to reduce the time cost.



The time bound of the FIND operation in a B+ tree containing NN numbers is O(logN)O(\log N), no matter what the degree of the tree is.



Given the following game tree, which node in the right subtree is the first node to be pruned with α-β pruning algorithm?




Insert { 5, 1, 7, 8, 21, 2, 12, 19, 13, 0 } into an initially empty 2-3 tree (with splitting). Which one of the following statements is FALSE?



There are 8000 documents in the database. The statistic data for one query are shown in the following table. The precision is: __

Relevant Irrelevant
Retrieved 1000 1000
Not Retrieved 2000 4000


For the result of accessing 11 in the splay tree in the following figure, besides saying that 11 must be the root, which one of the following statements is also TRUE?



A queue can be implemented by using two stacks SAS_A and SBS_B as follows:

  • To enqueue xx, we push xx onto SAS_A.
  • To dequeue from the queue, we pop and return the top item from SBS_B. However, if SBS_B is empty, we first fill it (and empty SAS_A) by popping the top item from SAS_A, pushing this item onto SBS_B, and repeat until SAS_A is empty.

Assuming that push and pop operations take O(1)O(1) worst-case time, please select a potential function ϕ\phi which can help us prove that enqueue and dequeue operations take O(1)O(1) amortized time (when starting from an empty queue).



3-way-mergesort : Suppose instead of dividing in two halves at each step of the mergesort, we divide into three one thirds, sort each part, and finally combine all of them using a three-way-merge. What is the overall time complexity of this algorithm ?



Delete a node vv from an AVL tree T1T_1, we can obtain another AVL tree T2T_2. Then insert vv into T2T_2, we can obtain another AVL tree T3T_3. Which one(s) of the following statements about T1T_1 and T3T_3 is(are) true?

  • I、If vv is a leaf node in T1T_1, then T1T_1 and T3T_3 might be different.
  • II、If vv is not a leaf node in T1T_1, then T1T_1 and T3T_3 must be different.
  • III、If vv is not a leaf node in T1T_1, then T1T_1 and T3T_3 must be the same.


Merge the two leftist heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?



The functions BinQueue_Find and Recur_Find are to find X in a binomial queue H. Return the node pointer if found, otherwise return NULL.

BinTree BinQueue_Find( BinQueue H, ElementType X )
    BinTree T, result = NULL;
    int i, j; 

    for( i=0, j=1; j<=H->CurrentSize; i++, j*=2) {  /* for each tree in H */
        T= H->TheTrees[i];
        if ( X (5分) ){  /* if need to search inside this tree */
            result = Recur_Find(T, X);
            if ( result != NULL ) return result;
    return result;

BinTree Recur_Find( BinTree T, ElementType X )
    BinTree result = NULL;
    if ( X==T->Element ) return T;
    if ( (5分) ){
        result = Recur_Find(T->LeftChild, X);
        if ( result!=NULL ) return result;
    if ( T->NextSibling!=NULL )
        result = Recur_Find(T->NextSibling, X);
    return result;


The functions IsRBT is to check if a given binary search tree T is a red-black tree. Return true if T is, or false if not.

The red-black tree structure is defined as the following:

typedef enum { red, black } colors;
typedef struct RBNode *PtrToRBNode;
struct RBNode{
    int Data;
    PtrToRBNode Left, Right, Parent;
    int BlackHeight;
    colors Color;
typedef PtrToRBNode RBTree;

Please fill in the blanks.

bool IsRBT( RBTree T )
    int LeftBH, RightBH;
    if ( !T ) return true;
    if ( T->Color == black ) T->BlackHeight = 1;
    else {
         if ( T->Left && (5分)) return false;
         if ( T->Right && (T->Right->Color == red) ) return false;
    if ( !T->Left && !T->Right ) return true;
    if ( (5分)) {
       if ( T->Left ) LeftBH = T->Left->BlackHeight;
       else LeftBH = 0;
       if ( T->Right ) RightBH = T->Right->BlackHeight;
       else RightBH = 0;
       if ( LeftBH == RightBH ) { 
          return true;
       else return false;
    else return false;